Your privacy, safety and security is our top priority and at the core of everything we do. Your data is encrypted and protected at every level. From typing on your computer, through the Internet and into our application and servers.
Your data is encrypted within our application as well as on our servers. Your sensitive information is encrypted using AES-256 and unique keys. Your data is also encrypted at rest, this means that all data stored on our servers is encrypted; at all times.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act of 1996 is a law that is designed to facilitate privacy standards to protect patient medical records and other protected health information (PHI). Final Security is HIPAA complaint.
All data sent between you and Final Security is encrypted via SSL using 2048-bit certificates. We enforce SSL for all communications.
Final Security undergoes routine audits from third party security vendors, such as McAfee.
To ensure the safety of your account and data, Final Security has 2 factor authentication enabled by default. Our systems will send a unique code to your mobile device each time you login to your account.
All policies and procedures at Final Security have your privacy and security in mind. Data stored in your account can not be accessed by our staff. They are only visible to you, and your beneficiary once their portal opens (upon the successful completion of the death confirmation processes). In extreme circumstances, an emergency protocol can be enacted to help facilitate data retrieval, but this can only be completed by a select few with our highest level of permissions.
According to AARP, it can take six months for financial institutions, credit-reporting bureaus and the Social Security Administration to receive, share or register death records. When you consider that timeframe and that cybercrime is now more profitable than the global illegal drug trade, your digital estate is the perfect target for criminals. We need to protect and organize our digital lives in preparation of our digital death.
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